(The “assignment ” was to think of two people, a place, a thing, and an animal you associate with April and then write a story using all five.)

1st  person   –   Jesus

2nd  place   –   Bailey Island

3rd  thing   –   Easter Basket

4th  person    –   Humphrey Bogart

5th  animal    –   rabbit   (Peter Cottontail)

If only Jesus could see Bailey Island in April. Usually the sun is shining, the waves are sparkly and the view is spectacular. Now there’s dirty ice banks; gobs of mud, and it’s mostly gray. Jesus’s only comment was this does not look like my creation! We need to do something – so he said, “look in the basket and see what we can do about this”. He looked in and saw a Mars bar, lots of jelly beans, an egg and a bunny. It’s amazing what Jesus can do with a loaf of bread and fishes. Then this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

He looked up and saw Peter, Peter Cottontail that is. He handed Peter the basket and said “Feed my Easter people and the basket will always be full to overflowing and there will be peace on earth and Bailey Island”. Humphrey Bogart suddenly appeared out of the clouds and looked down on Jesus and Peter hopping off on his mission and said: “This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

~ Anne Street