When home is lost, much is lost. There is much more lost than just the outside structure of the home. Many feelings that are within the homeless person usually involves the interior structural makeup of that person which could include such things as feelings of insecurity, concerns for safety, the need to belong and be accepted. The desire to be treated by others in society as an equal, to be respected and included. We(the homeless) are treated unjustly and cruel by other members of society for many reasons, one reason being less than (others). Some people feel that is acceptable.

We (the homeless) are anyone within the realm of society that happen to fall beyond that invisible, fine line that circumstances have caused us to pass over. Once there it becomes a war that we struggle to fight and to win and for some it is temporary but for others it is ongoing and almost impossible to win, so we just give up. Because sometimes the battle is long and hard and it weakens us to the point where giving up is sometimes easier than trying. So some of us win and others do not.

Homeless is a label that is used to try and define to others that it usually involves a person that has no place to live, which is true in some way. But to get the true definition of the word would be greater understood if it had been truly lived by someone who has endured that lifestyle.

Yes, I am homeless. What exactly does that mean? It means that I am still the same person that I was before becoming homeless. I have the same hopes and dreams and desires as anyone else. I am not less, I am equal. Even though my spirit has been injured, it has not died, it still remains.

Just because I do not have a structural home to live in doesn’t give others the right to judge me. Only God can judge me. This life and place in which I live now is only temporary, it is a stepping stone that I must go through until God fulfills his promise to take me to my real home where my struggles will be over and finally the battle will be won.


~Charlene Swain Matts