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Rain boots, rain hat, rain coat… let’s see, I don’t have any of these. I just wear what I usually wear and get wet. Some men have these things. They look out the window and dress for the occasion. If it’s snow, it’s winter gear. Rain, they wear a rain coat. Hot summer day, shorts […]

My Favorite Place

The smell of the fresh salt water and feeling the coolness against my feet and the sun shining down on me. The waves up so high. The laughter of people, smiling children playing in the sand. Looking at the clear blue sky and the boats in the distance. It feels so good to be around […]

My Dream

Every day I dream of the world as it was created to be: bursting with green life from the sun, a sea full of wishes and fishes, people all colors of the reainbow at peace with each other, children born in love, my heart on fire with thanks, with love to embrace the dream and […]

My Name

My name is Charlene. My nickname is Char. I’m not sure what my name represents or stands for as far as a definite meaning. I remember asking my mother why she named me Charlene and she said that the nurse that helped her deliver me had that name and so that is why she named […]


Scars are the ledger of life. The reminders of when we lacked experience. Wounds due to ignorance and inattention, apathy and sometimes poor coincidence. Some we hide from others, some from ourselves. Some are shared with only a few. Some we display proudly. You would think that scars are grievous things. In truth they are […]