Let go
Let go and let God
Let go and let God feel
Let go and let God feel your need and heal.
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Give me peace
Give me peace, give me love
Give me peace, give me love, give me hope
Give me peace, give me love, give me hope, give me joy
Give me peace, give me love, give me hope, give me joy
Give me hope eternal
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My heart cries out
My heart cries out for you
My heart cries out for you in your garden of flowers
My heart cries out for you in your garden of flowers among the daisies and tiger lilies
My heart cries out for you in your garden of flowers among the daisies and tiger lilies with a white butterfly
My heart cries out for you in your garden of flowers among the daisies and tiger lilies with a white butterfly letting me know you are near.
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Jesus, I can’t let you wash my feet!
Jesus, I can’t let you was my feet because I have sinned.
Jesus, I can’t let you wash my feet because I have sinned but it’s OK.
Jesus, I can’t let you wash my feet because I have sinned but it’s OK, say but the word and my sins will be forgiven.
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How beautiful it is
How beautiful it is, the glorious sunset
How beautiful it is, the glorious sunset, a red crimson ball.
How beautiful it is, the glorious sunset, a red crimson ball
Falling beyond the horizon
How beautiful it is, the glorious sunset, a red crimson ball
Falling beyond the horizon like the three ball in the corner pocket.
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I love reading
I love reading when the house is quiet
I love reading when the house is quiet and not even a child’s cry heard
I love reading when the house is quiet and not even a child’s cry is heard
just the creaking of a rocker
I love reading when the house is quiet and not even a child’s cry is heard
just the creaking of a rocker and my breath going in and out
I love reading when the house is quiet and not even a child’s cry is heard
just the creaking of a rocker and my breath going in and out
like my grandmother’s bellows.